Every 40 seconds, someone commits suicide.*

We are working to change that...

America has an epidemic of young people that are raised in front of uncensored TV, internet, and games that enourage and glorify violence, racism, discrimination, and mysogyny.  For many parents, this is the only solution left to them because they must work. After school programs are frequently run by overworked government employees, or private institutions that care more about profit than people.

Imagine being raised in a society that frequently treats you as a burden... as our country frequently treats our youth.

Imagine going to a school where teachers (through no fault of their own) are frequently more concerned with your test scores and attendance than life skills such as how to be happy and successful and make a difference.

Imagine being so unhappy that you turn to using drugs, or join a gang or terrorist organization.

Imagine hating high school or college so much that you drop out only to discover how difficult it is to support yourself.

Imagine being told that you must decide your career when you have never actually worked before.

Imagine growing up - as most Americans do now - in either play or study... never experiencing the joy of contributing to the success of your family or community... focusing on only yourself. (Of course we have more and more youth joining gangs and terrorist groups; people taking a selfie with their victims of violent crimes. If a person does not get fulfillment in their life, the behavior they are surrounded with is what they will be inclined to do.)

In addition...
America has an epidemic of people waiting to die.
This is even more horrifying when you realize that many of America's senior citizens and disabled are treated as prisoners... They are told what and when they must eat, when they arise, what activities they can participate in.

Our tax dollars feed, clothe and shelter countless people that have no purpose.

Imagine spending your entire life gaining knowledge and wisdom only to be treated as though you are a burden to society.

Imagine having to live in a retirement home or nursing home being treated as an inconvenience to overworked caregivers.

Imagine having no choice but to eat food that causes health problems such as diabetes and cancer. Food that has little to no nutrients. Food that will shorten your life because of the sugar and chemicals added to save money. Even though the taxpayer dollars spent on medical care caused by poor nutrition is far greater.

Imagine feeling that you have no value... that you are worthless.

Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, and fun environment where people (especially our frequently neglected youth) can learn how to become happy contributing members of society.
Chowa will be a place where people can discover the joy of contributing to society. They will learn by doing, then have the opportunity to earn membership in Chowa when the fruits of their labors can be sold in the store. Every aspect of being an entrepreneur will be learned by doing... from learning a craft to understanding how to create and use a business plan.
The front part of Chowa will be a bistro with good food, original artisan products, and good music. We will start with a bistro where our guests can buy a good cup of coffee or tea and healthy, delicious food at a reasonable price. The art of brewing good coffee, seeping good tea, and making delicious food will be taught to those that want to learn.

Live music will be played by emerging singer/songwriters, playing softly enough that our guests will not have to raise their voices to converse, promoting peace. We will sell the music that the singer/songwriters play; recorded and produced by our members.

The rest of the building will have rooms for learning and creating.

Chowa will be a place where people such as our marginalized senior citizens can feel valuable because they are contributing to society by passing on the skills and wisdom they have gained over their lifetime. The disabled will learn skills that will empower them and enrich the lives of those that care for them.​

The walls will be adorned with products crafted by our members. This will not only help support Chowa; but will also empower our students.

Eventually, we want to have enough land to cultivate produce and fruit trees with seedlings growing in windows so our students can experience the joy of being involved in the life cycle. This will also reduce food costs and enable us to serve better food - more organic; and we will harvest only when ripe which will maximize flavor and nutritional value.

We also hope to eventually partner with pet rescue organizations by creating a section in the bistro for those that enjoy petting animals; building on the increasingly popular restaurants that charge their guests for the privilege of petting animals. Of course we will not charge for this privilege - we will simply give people the opportunity to adopt animals. We believe that this will be another reason for our guests to keep coming back because most people want the unconditional love and hugs that animals give us.

* According to the World Health Organization as reported in Medical News Today

100% of all donations go to Chowa.

P.O. Box 2033 Running Springs CA 92382

Running Springs, California, United States